
Official Partners


Squash Hall Of Fame

Hashim Khan

  • Won the “British Open” title for seven times between 1951 and 1958. Consecutive winners for five years from 1951 to 1955.
  • In 1942, he became a squash coach at one of the British Air Force officers' mess.
  • In 1944, he won the first All-of-India Squash Championship in Bombay, and successfully defended this title for the next two years.
  • In 1949, he won the first Pakistan Squash Championship.
  • Pride of Performance 1958.
  • Tamgha-e-Quaid-e-Azam 1959
  • Hashim has also won five British Professional Championship titles, three US Open titles and three Canadian Open titles.
  • Pride of Performance 2007


